Re: [hatari-devel] Keyup bug in SDL GUI

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On 31.10.2022 20.35, Andreas Grabher wrote:
I might have found a bug in the SDL GUI. This scenario:

In the guest operating system I confirm some action by pressing enter
Due to some bug in the OS I get a double fault, which then activates Dialog_HaltDlg() before I am able to release the key
I then release the key
At this time we are already in the SDL_WaitEvent()-Loop in SDLGui_DoDialogExt() and the event is recognized as key up in the GUI. This leads to automatically pressing the default button which exits the dialog without me having a chance to select anything.

Can you confirm this? This will be difficult to fix.

You can wait until all keys are up, before starting accepting input in SDL GUI.

No notify user about this wait, you can show a note about keys being down in statusbar.

If SDL does not provide information about pressed keys, keymap.c keeps count of them.

	- Eero

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