Re: [hatari-devel] config + desktop

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On 31.10.2022 20.46, Miguel Saro wrote:
  I haven't posted for a long time but I always read your messages with interest. I use several different preferences. For each preference I have a different desktop. Every time I change my preference, I have to go find the right desktop if I saved it, or re-configure it.

Does "preference" refers to Hatari configuration, TOS desktop configuration or something else?

Does "desktop" refer e.g. to INF file read by TOS on bootup, host desktop .desktop shortcut files or something?

Would it be possible to modify the saved preferences as shown below, if some users find it interesting. This way I could keep and reload config+desktop pairs.

That does not tell what you want.

I guess your picture is from Hatari Mac GUI, but I've never used it. Mac GUI updates are contributions from Hatari users, not done by Hatari developers.

I'm myself maintaining the Python GUI.

	- Eero

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