Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari clock question

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Eero Tamminen schrieb:

* Bug #2) Machines with no RTC i.e. ST & STE, which were supposed to
initialize their clocks from host, show 2021-07-19, when host date is
2022-08-19, i.e. their month & year are both off by one.  EmuTOS or
Hatari issue?

    - When using TOS v2 instead of EmuTOS, date is 1991-11-14

On machines without RTC, both EmuTOS and Atari TOS initialize the system
date to the TOS build date if no valid date is found stored in the IKBD.
Since Hatari 2.4 sadly ships with the already one-year-old EmuTOS 1.1.1,
you get its build date. We therefore must assume that initializing the
IKBD from the host did not work as intended.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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