Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari clock question

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On 15.8.2022 12.32, Uwe Seimet wrote:
I.e. there have been no functional changes in how RTC functionality
works since 2003, and it has been enabled by default for most of that
time, and on most machine types.

It seems unlikely that there would be problems that haven't been
reported  since?

I was thinking about potential problems in the future, when the date (the
year in particular) value increases. I have already seen such problems on
old Macs, where some applications fail to process current year values.

I think best option to work around that would be to add "RTC year" option (e.g. "--rtc-year 1990"). Hatari would then internally offset year from gettimeofday() with suitable amount.

(Offset instead of a fixed year is needed internally so that running emulator over new year works OK.)

What would be suitable minimum year accepted by such option, should it be TOS version, or machine type specific, or would e.g. 1985 work as minimum for everything?

	- Eero

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