Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari clock question

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On 14.8.2022 22.07, Uwe Seimet wrote:
I have a piece of software that appears to have issues with current dates.
Inside Hatari (with the contiol panel) I tried to put the clock back 20
years, but this did not have any effect.

Hatari RTC code reads the time from host:

And allowing emulation to write host time seems rather bad form...

Is there a way to tell Hatari to use a different date/time than the host? I
did not find any setting for this.

On machines with no RTC (ST, STE), only their *initial* clock value is taken from host. I.e. for those machines time setting works. By changing CPU level etc, you get those machine types close e.g. to TT too.

For modifiable, host derived RTC, Hatari would need to calculated offset from host time whenever emulation program tries to change RTC values, and use that offset on all reads.

If you are interested on adding patch like that, it would be good if others could befoe that comment whether supporting such behavior is good idea, or are there potential issues?

	- Eero

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