[hatari-devel] Fixing some STE sound issue and doing 2.4.1 release

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as was reported under atari-forum by 'Metalage' the STE DMA sound could give some pretty awful glitches with latest Hatari 2.4.

It will not happen all the time, it's mostly when playing very small buffers. In this case, even if the CPU->YM2149 clock conversion function used double floating point precision, it eventually accumulated too much rounding errors, outputing 44075 samples per sec instead of the expected 44100.

This is fixed with a new conversion function that uses only integer math and no rounding at all (the remainder is kept as an integer after each call and added on the next call).

As this could really alter sound in a bad way, I'm considering doing a 2.4.1 release with this fix (and the other few commits that went in since the release).

Does anyone want to commit some other changes regarding some bugs that could have been reported since hatari 2.4 was released ?


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