Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing for next release 2.4

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Le 20/06/2022 à 21:48, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
OK, I've done some tests with my previous DSP interrupts code :

- flaysid works well

- mars_dsp doesn't work either (it may probably be a falcon timing problem introduced with the latest core)

- xperience by abstract doesn't work either with the latest core (same as mars_dsp).

So, if we decide to revert back to my old interrupts code, flaysid works again, but we may have to retest many demos, games and utilities.

PS: I've tested a few demos, and I didn't notice any regression with my previous code and the latest hatari core.

It's as you want.


in that case if other agree, I would keep the change you added to the DSP, adding some notes in compatibility.html about the non working demos.
Then we can fix the dsp later after 2.4 if released.

Else, as you say it would mean we need to test again many demos/programs and maybe need to fix more regressions.


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