Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing for next release 2.4

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OK, I've done some tests with my previous DSP interrupts code :

- flaysid works well

- mars_dsp doesn't work either (it may probably be a falcon timing problem introduced with the latest core)

- xperience by abstract doesn't work either with the latest core (same as mars_dsp).

So, if we decide to revert back to my old interrupts code, flaysid works again, but we may have to retest many demos, games and utilities.

PS: I've tested a few demos, and I didn't notice any regression with my previous code and the latest hatari core.

It's as you want.



Le 20/06/2022 à 19:48, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 06/05/2022 à 09:45, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :


it's been (far) too long since latest 2.3.1 release ; on my side I did not have enough spare time to complete some ongoing changes in the devel version as fast as I wanted, but I think we have a stable base now and we could do the next release.

Does someone need extra time to complete some work in devel version ?

For those that commited changes, please check that everything is referencend in doc/release-notes.txt

As for the release date, I'd like to target in approx 2 weeks, around 20th of may.


with the work done recently by everyone, what are the open / blocking issue ?

On my side, falcon's sound is fixed and I don't see any urgent fix to be done. Laurent will have a look at the DSP change and maybe fix it (or revert it).

what do other need to push ?


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