Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon app tests

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Le 20/06/2022 à 19:12, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

That went through fine again.

good news, thanks for the tests

     - Eero

Full run had 2 bombs on boot of 512k ST(E) + GEMDOS HD with TOS 2.06, but I was again unable to reproduce it manually or bu using hconsole, so I guess it can be ignored.

Maybe TOS is somehow fragile in regards when exactly memory test is interrupted with a Space key press (using Hatari remote API)?

can't tell, even if you interrupt with key press, I would expect tos to process the key press at a point where it doesn't create any problem, but who knows. At least if the problem is known, it's a false positive that cas be ignored.

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