Re: [hatari-devel] Compiling Hatari under Cygwin

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On 10/01/2022 à 22:23, Christian Zietz wrote:
But, iirc, Cygwin's SDL is meant for X11. Therefore, you would have to
install and run an X-Server under Windows (and possibly set the DISPLAY
environment variable in the Cygwin shell).

I used to compile Hatari for Cygwin32 with a statically linked SDL (built by myself long ago). No need for X11 with this unusual setup. But I like to be able to use Cygwin paths from Hatari configuration files.

I haven't tried to compile Hatari again since I switched to Cygwin64. I will certainly have to recompile SDL first. I will have to try that some day.

Vincent Rivière

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