Re: [hatari-devel] Compiling Hatari under Cygwin

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On Mon, 10 Jan 2022 at 20:30, Christian Zietz wrote:

I have basically the same error message in "CMakeError.log", albeit with
a successful(!) build of Hatari. This is simply the test for the address
sanitizer failing; but (in my case CMake) simply continues after that,
as expected. Therefore, this might not be the cause of the problem
you're observing.

I've start from scratch. This time at the beginning I've installed under Cygwin - SDL2/Python3/readlin/zlib/pngand.
I've positively went through "cmake .." and "cmake --build . -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)" and Hatari.exe was built.

Now hatari.exe shows me:
Failed to create ~/.config directory: No such file or directory
INFO : Hatari v2.3.1, compiled on:  Jan 10 2022, 21:44:53
ERROR: could not initialize the SDL library:
 No available video device


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