Re: [hatari-devel] IMP chipset (in)compatibility

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Christian Zietz schrieb:

Note that G-Loc (the version I linked to) does not work with TOS 2.06
(at least under Hatari and regardless of the machine type), which might
explain your observation w.r.t. to the MegaSTE.

Adding to this: for some reason the G-Loc disk (or rather: its STX
image) is completely unreadable under TOS 2.06 when using Hatari. I did
not check if this is true on real HW, as well, or whether this is a
Hatari bug. However, I do not have any intentions of investigating further..

This does not change my initial post about IMP chipset incompatibility,
which is present in both games.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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