Re: [hatari-devel] Suggestion for small change to documentation |
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Hi, On 7.3.2021 7.02, Thomas Huth wrote:
Am Thu, 04 Mar 2021 16:53:39 -0500 schrieb "Roger Burrows" <anodyne@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:I happened to read the README-first.txt file of Hatari release 2.3.1, and it says (re the version of EmuTOS shipped):
Sounds like a good suggestion! Maybe we could also add some rationale for the incompatibilities in there, a la: "However, some games and demos do not work properly with EmuTOS (since they are hard-coded to the layout of one of the original TOS versions for example), so you would need..." ? Anyway, the README-first.txt is not part of the git repo, so I hope Nicolas can update that for the next release when he copies that file over into the new package.
Nicolas, maybe it could be added to repo? - Eero
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