Re: [hatari-devel] Proposal: use Atari keyboard with Hatari

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Yes David, but I am helpless with electronics :(

And yes Vincent I agree with you , in my patch I separated the port's access layer from the rest (these are the "comm_xxxx" routines at the bottom of external_ikbd.c), exactly with that in mind. Right now we seem to have competing code with the same end goal but different approaches: the existing SDL keyboard handling stuff on one hand, and this ACIA injection from custom source on another hand. That probably needs refactoring for consistency.

And indeed it would be nice if EMUTOS provided some extension points for cleanly injecting a custom IKBD communications adapter (among other things). That would allow to modularize more and we could hardcode the composition with single #ifdefs rather than having many of them in a single file where everything is mixed. But that's an EmuTOS mailing list topic :)


PS: to avoid confusion between the genuine Vincent R. and me Vincent B., you can call me Vinz if that's easier

Le 11/01/2021 à 12:19, Vincent Rivière a écrit :

On 10/01/2021 at 22:56, Eero Tamminen wrote:
Hm.  So one option for using Atari keyboard with Hatari, would be not to
do it with Hatari, but with EmuTOS, and just point Hatari RS-232 input and output to suitable device?

There are multiple possible hacks 😄

TOS expects IKBD data coming from the IKBD ACIA.
But EmuTOS can potentially take IKBD data from anywhere (like my Atari keyboard on Amiga RS-232 port).

And Vincent B. hack for Hatari is something different. It bridges the host RS-232 port to the emulated IKBD ACIA. So any IKBD data received on the host RS-232 port (i.e. from real ST) acts like an emulated keyboard. I believe this works well with both TOS and unmodified EmuTOS..

With e.g. socat, one could have the forwarded Atari keyboard and Hatari
on different sides of internet. :-)

Sure 😃
Hatari should provide an "IKBD source" option. By default, it should be set to "host keyboard" (as now). But could easily be mapped to RS-232 or socket, as you propose. Emulators are definitely much more flexible than real hardware.

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