Re: [hatari-devel] Little graphic zoom bug in hatari after memory restore

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Le 01/01/2021 à 10:55, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Wed, 30 Dec 2020 13:00:09 +0100
schrieb Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx>:


So according to Eero's answear and your last version of the patch, I
think it's safe to upload it.

Do you want to upload it ?

I've just committed a slightly different solution to the problem:
Instead of calling Videl_ScreenModeChanged(), which might have other
unwanted side-effect at this point in time, I rather make sure that the
videl.saved_scr* variables now match the values from the reset again,
so that the resolution change properly gets evaluated during the next
VBL. Works for me, please give it a try whether it fixes the problem on
your side, too.

I confirm this fixes restoring window content in my case ; result is correctly filling the hatari's window instead of leaving big black borders before.


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