Re: [hatari-devel] readline ?

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On 12/12/20 6:25 PM, Roger Burrows wrote:
I built 2.3.0 recently and it complained about readline missing (which 2.2.1
didn't).  And sure enough I can't edit debugger commands.

There are a lot of packages with readline in their title, and I do seem to have
a lot installed (but not all).  I haven't removed any since I built 2.2.1, and
I don't know enough about cmake to figure out exactly what it might be looking
for.  Can someone help?

On Debian based system (like Ubuntu) you need
"libreadline-dev" package, and on RedHat based
ones you need "readline-devel" one.

Those should pull in the suitable version of
the actual library and its development files.

	- Eero

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