Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari memory snapshot handling issues

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On 11/22/20 10:59 AM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 22/11/2020 à 00:28, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
I can see the same wrong error message with
Hatari v2.2.0 for Hatari Git snapshots though, and
when looking at the current sources, it's still
wrong there:
                                      "Unable to restore Hatari memory state.\n"                                       "Given state file is compatible only with\n"                                       "Hatari version " VERSION_STRING ".");

Error should be either:
  "Given state file is compatible only with
   Hatari version %s", VersionString
  "This hatari version supports only
   state files with version " VERSION_STRING

indeed, 1st error would be more correct,  the message should use VersionString of the non-loading state file, so the user can know which older hatari version to use if he really wants to load the memstate.

IMHO this should be fixed before release because
new release requires newer snapshot version i.e.
users will be bumping to this when they upgrade.

(Version independent state handling has been
in the TODO list for a long time, it's a bit
unfortunate that there has always been something
more important to fix/do before that. Maybe some
user gets motivated enough to contribute that,
or provide state file converter...)

	- Eero

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