Re: [hatari-devel] Valid memory amount?

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Le 19/11/2020 à 23:04, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

 > OK for it then, but does it really make sense to allow 512 for falcon ?

Does it really make sense to allow 128KB & 256KB
for ST/STE/TT? :-)

Well yes, because the MMU can be configured for these RAM configuration without specific HW modifications. There might not have been real machine with 128 KB, but it seems there was an early 260ST with 256 KB.

 > AFAIK the min config was 1M

1MB might be a minimum shipped Falcon config, but
according to comments in Hatari code, 512K has
been tested to be also supported, see:

Does it work with normal TOS4 or a patched one ? I don't remember if TOS4 expect at least 1MB in falcon mode ?

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