Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing release 2.3 / Slow IDE boot for Falcon |
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Le 12/10/2020 à 21:18, Anders Eriksson a écrit :
On 2020-10-12 19:44, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 12/10/2020 à 18:24, Anders Eriksson a écrit :
Back in the day, Green Tommy (greenious) solved this by making a
floppy bootsector that got rid of the IDE wait (and memory test) to
speed up booting on IDE-less machines a great deal.
If it's of any use, here's a link to the software which writes the
Thanks for the hint. I will try to have a look at it tonigh to see if
this can be converted into a tos patch (I guess it should be possible
it the code fit on a boot sector :) )
I was just sent a newer version of fastboot:
Here's the main code from the boot sector. It basicaly checks for the
TOS version at e00002 (must be tos 4.xx) then it pushes 2 functions on
the stack that will be called on the next RTS.
$00040068 : 0c39 0004 00e0 0002 cmpi.b #4,$e00002
$00040070 : 6668 bne.s $400da
$00040072 : 31fc 0001 0840 move.w #1,$0840.w
$00040078 : 0c79 0404 00e0 0002 cmpi.w #$404,$e00002
$00040080 : 660e bne.s $40090
$00040082 : 2ebc 00e0 0b28 move.l #$e00b28,(sp)
$00040088 : 2f7c 00e0 0794 0004 move.l #$e00794,4(sp)
$00040090 : 0c79 0402 00e0 0002 cmpi.w #$402,$e00002
$00040098 : 660e bne.s $400a8
$0004009a : 2ebc 00e0 0aea move.l #$e00aea,(sp)
$000400a0 : 2f7c 00e0 078a 0004 move.l #$e0078a,4(sp)
$000400a8 : 0c79 0401 00e0 0002 cmpi.w #$401,$e00002
$000400b0 : 660e bne.s $400c0
$000400b2 : 2ebc 00e0 0aea move.l #$e00aea,(sp)
$000400b8 : 2f7c 00e0 078a 0004 move.l #$e0078a,4(sp)
$000400c0 : 0c79 0400 00e0 0002 cmpi.w #$400,$e00002
$000400c8 : 660e bne.s $400d8
$000400ca : 2ebc 00e0 0acc move.l #$e00acc,(sp)
$000400d0 : 2f7c 00e0 076a 0004 move.l #$e0076a,4(sp)
$000400d8 : 4e75 rts
So, in case of TOS 4.04 for example it will call e00b28 then e00794.
Does anyone with TOS knowldege see what these 2 calls are doing and if
they can be safely converted to a patch ?