Re: [hatari-devel] IDE IO register range access commit

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Thank you, I can confirm that the IDE interface is back, provided that IDE
drive images have been assigned.

Best regards


> Le 21/09/2020 à 22:11, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> > Can you provide a patch for Ide_MmioIsAvailable() to include falcon too 
> > ? Then we can make Ide_MmioIsAvailable extern instead of static and this 
> > function can be used in memory.c to decide if IDE region should be 
> > mapped or not.
> Hi
> I pushed some changes for Ide_MmioIsAvailable() I think it should 
> restore IDE mode for non-falcon machine, as well as keeping 0xF0xxxx a 
> bus error region in case IDE is disabled.
> Nicolas

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