Re: [hatari-devel] Fastload from GEMDOS drive emulation

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Am Mon, 10 Jun 2019 13:59:31 +0200
schrieb Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> On Montag, 10. Juni 2019 09:31:01 CEST Thomas Huth wrote:
> > D'oh! Is this documented anywhere? TOSHYP does not mention it,  
> Huh? see
> :
> 7
> PD *Pexec (7, uint32_t prgflags, int8_t *cmdline, int8_t *env); 
> Create basepage, respecting prgflags: Similar to mode 5, but in
> prgflags one can pass the same information as in the ph_prgflags
> field of the program header. This mode is used by the BIOS of the
> TT030 to launch GEM, and is only available as of GEMDOS Version 0.19. 

Sure, mode 7 in general is mentioned, but it does not mention that the
FASTLOAD flag is ignored here, i.e. this Pexec call does not clear the
memory if the FASTLOAD flag is not set.

Another thing that I noticed in TOSHYP: the p_flags field is not
documented in the BASEPAGE / PD structure. Both EmuTOS and MiNT have it
at offset 40, so I assume this is also the official offset that was
used by later TOS versions. TOSHYP only says "p_resrvd0" here.

> And IIRC it  is also documented in the Compendium.

Pexec(7) is not mentioned in my version of the Compendium. But there
might be multiple versions available, so maybe I have not the latest


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