Re: [hatari-devel] IRQ for ncr5380

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Le 26/04/2019 à 21:43, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

On the DMA U36, FDINT and HDINT are indeed input signals and combel
outputs DSKIRQ (which becomes XDISKINT in other parts of the schematic).
DSKIRQ is a combination of these 2 input signals.

But I don't see where HDINT is coming from, I guess it's the ASCI's irq ?

After getting up and running again -- more or
less :-( -- I could look it up in the schematic: HDINT comes from the
53C80 SCSI controller. (Search for "Atari Falcon030 Schematic (Rev G)"
on dev-docs; it's U7 on page 8.)

Ah yes, thank, the page is slightly truncated on the left and the label was not entirely visible. But then I don't see the ASCI IRQ line that is combined with FDC IRQ on STF for example. Do you see it ?


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