Re: [hatari-devel] IRQ for ncr5380

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On 25/04/2019 18.14, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Hi
> while looking at the code for ncr5380, I see that when IRQ is set it
> calls "FDC_SetIRQ(FDC_IRQ_SOURCE_HDC)" which is connected to the same
> FDC IRQ pin on the MFP.
> But on the TT's schematic, the NCR5380's IRQ pin is connected to the 2nd
> MFP on GPIP's bit 7.
> Thomas, is this a temporary hack to use FDC int on the main MFP to make
> ncr5380 work until the TT MFP is available ?

The FDC_* functions should only be called in Falcon mode. Falcon does
not have the second MFP, so the NCR5380 is wired differently here - it
uses the same IRQ as ACSI on the normal STs.


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