Re: [hatari-devel] Windows build: Issues with libreadline8.dll

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On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 4:51 PM Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Christian Zietz schrieb:

> - Sometimes Hatari crashes (with stack corruption) when breaking into
> the debugger. I cannot pinpoint exactly when this happens, though.
> Both issues seem to coincide with the recent switch to libreadline8.dll
> (from libreadline7.dll). I don't know whether these are bugs in
> libreadline or whether something in Hatari only triggers a bug with a
> newer version of libreadline.

OK, the crash mentioned above is a double-free in ncurses, which is
linked into libreadline8.dll. While this is not a Hatari bug, I would
still prefer switching back the builds to an older version of
libreadline, also because of the backspace issue, which I didn't have
time to investigate further.

I also now know why it didn't always crash. After a few crashes because
of double-frees, the Program Compatibility Assistant of Windows 10 kicks
in, decides that this is a "shitty" application and switches it to a
more fault tolerant heap implementation. Therefore, after some tries I
stopped seeing the crash until I downloaded the next revision of Hatari,
which was then started again without these compatibility settings.

I'll see what I can do.

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