Re: [hatari-devel] Re: IDE byte swapping options

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in this context please note that the hard disk configuration dialog
still says "Add GEMDOS HD after ACSI/IDE partitions". "SCSI" should be
added or it should just say "hard disk partitions".

Best regards


> Le 03/10/2018 à 09:00, Thomas Huth a écrit :
> > Thanks for the patch, that's a first step... but actually, I think this
> > area (especially the HD dialog in the GUI) needs a major clean-up, e.g.
> > I also need to add SCSI setup to the GUI, add support for multiple ACSI
> > images, fix the nomenclature for IDE ("master" and "slave" is
> > nonstandard, the official terms are IDE 0 and IDE 1), etc.
> > 
> Hi
> as I see GUI for hardisk part was updated, please don't forget to update 
> the manual too (including harddisks.png) to document those changes :)
> Nicolas

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