Re: [hatari-devel] hatari tt scc emulation

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This was last discussed in November last year.

	- Eero

On 07/16/2017 09:15 PM, Michael Bernstein wrote:
i tried to set up hatari for a workshop. I want to show how to setup
and configure Atari ST an TT computers. And as an outlook to the
latest operating systems for Atari computers, i chose EasyMiNT to
install SpareMiNT and XaAES. I have done this with the TT emulation
from hatari. But MiNT crashes with a bus error.

Someone from investigates the crash with the hatari
debugger and found, that MiNT tries to access the scc.

It seems, the scc from the TT is not yet emulated. The readme also
did not mentioned it.

But i would ask, if it is a good solutio to generate a bus error for
addresses used in a TT. If no bus erro was generated if MiNT tries
to initialize the scc, nothing bad would happend because i did not
use any software for serial communication. And MiNT would run on
hatari TT emulation. Maybe it is worth to think about not generate
a bus error but only do nothing if software tries to access hardware
not yet emulated?

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