Thanks for that...
A bit of an update however:
I managed to produce a working Win32 build using cygwin32 -> mingw32 -> win32 native after reading all the responses today.
I had to disable SDL2 however - it crashed immediately on startup.
i.e. the build was configured with this:
./configure --cross-compile-win64_32 --disable-sdl2
The SDL2 crash was seen using the latest libs for mingw (via cygwin setup). Not sure what's wrong there but SDL1 seems to work ok in any case.
The purpose of all of this was to produce a version of Hatari with a 32MHz DSP, so I can run DSP-intensive programs with audio running on top. The current public version of Hatari won't let me do this on my PC because the DSP emulation load on the host CPU is so high that it can't keep up. Hatari heads into a downward frameskip and audio-breakup spiral which makes testing impossible. :-/
The tweaked version is not perfect but it is much better. The audio turns a bit crunchy at times but doesn't drop out. It'll do for testing purposes.