Re: [hatari-devel] Building Hatari 2.xx on Windows platform (?)

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My attempt using mingw was to build from its own msys shell (i.e. not using cygwin at all). This results in lots of problems detecting and configuring stuff - I ended up overriding lots of the cmake vars to get it past the first collection of path and environmental errors and then gave up as I slowly realised this was 'not the right way' to build Hatari :).

It did manage to produce some .vcxproj files from that process, which I played with - but the code would not build under VC for (what looked like) dialect reasons. e.g.. from the. 'inline' keyword and missing stdint.h or unistd.h. Some compiled ok as C++ but again - I decided to stop there!

I didn't try configuring to cross-compile with mingw from cygwin.. Didn't even consider that.


On 27 June 2017 at 13:47, Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017 11:47:29 CEST Douglas Little wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone direct me towards instructions for building Hatari on the
> Windows platform?

I never built Hatari on windows/cygwin, but i doubt that building in an xterm,
using the default gcc, is the correct way. That would produce a binary that
needs a X-server to run.

You will probably need a pure mingw compiler. On older cygwin version, this
could be achieved by just adding -mno-cygwin to the compiler flags. On newer
installations there are separate packages, mingw64-i686-* when using the 64bit
version of cygwin. Be sure to install all the libraries that might be neede by
Hatari, if the configure script can't find the one i needs it might otherwise
fallback to the cygwin libraries, which is not what you want. Basically this
is handled by cygwin as cross-compiling, even if you can execute the resulting
binaries on the same machine.

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