Re: [hatari-devel] Blitter emulation corner case

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markus@xxxxxxx schrieb:

> The Atari sample code either uses TAS (in the newer docs) or BSET (the
> older example). Both _write_ to the LINE_NUM[BUSY] bit while Christian's
> code only reads it.

Markus, you're right. I copied the code from another project of mine
where I use the HOG mode. I didn't think about adapting the BUSY bit
handling for the no-HOG mode.
However, one can argue that everything you can do with the real hardware
-- be it according to Atari sample code or not -- in the end should be
properly emulated by Hatari.

> Not sure if that really makes a huge difference, though.

I'll update my test program accordingly and we'll see. Can't promise
though that I can do this today. This yet again shows what a complicated
bit of hardware the Blitter is. No wonder Atari had some trouble with it
in the beginning.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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