Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Feature request: allow to specify "-d" with autostart

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Le 11/05/2017 à 21:38, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 05/10/2017 01:30 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
regarding autostart, I sometimes wants to run some of my HW testing
programs that will display results on the screen.
But as the text is long, it expects the screen to be 80 columns
(ie, the desktop is in med res)

For tests text output, I just use this option:
     --conout 2

Or this, which enables also above:
     --trace os_base

To see the Atari text output on console where
I started hatari.


yes, I also use this when I need to be able to copy/paste the text.

But it doesn't solve all the cases ; some applications really need to start in med res. For example let's say you want to run "fastcopy", as far as I remember it will not start in low res when autostarted ; that's where a med res option would be useful for such cases.

At the moment, autostart will provide a default desktop.inf set to low
res = 40 columns ; do you think it could be possible to add an option to
choose the autostart resolution (low or med) ?

There are few options for solving your problem.

1. If there's an existing desktop/newdesk/emudesk INF
    file, Hatari provides (virtually) modified version
    of it that just adds autostart stuff

2. User can override the resolution

1) would already allow you to configure things to
start in medium resolution.  I think it would
be in general be better, that way you set it just
once, and it works automatically afterwards.

(Not sure when I have time to look at it though.)

I was wondering if it was possible to patch "on the fly" the desktop.inf included in tos.c to put either low or med res ?


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