Re: [hatari-devel] Re: FPU update

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Am Sat, 21 Jan 2017 10:44:36 +0200
schrieb Toni Wilen <twilen@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> > I now patched SoftFloat to use 68k format for denormals:
> >
> > 
> > I used pre-processor conditions to make my changes reversible and
> > visible. That does not look very clean, but i want to keep it until
> > i am confident, that the patch works under all conditions. I did
> > some very basic testing and it seems to do the job. But i would be
> > happy if someone could review or test this. I don't want to
> > introduce new problems.  
> I pushed my changes based on QEMU softfloat, with all your patches
> added and slightly adjusted because QEMU softfloat uses different
> data type names.

OK, thanks for the update! I've now merged your changes now into
Hatari, too, and added a command line option to switch between native
and softfloat ("--fpu-softfloat on/off").

Seems to work at a quick glance, but I also spotted already the first
bug: In the Falcon demo "4ever", there is a graphical glitch in the
tunnel screen (the one that can also be seen on the screenshot here: It works fine with native FPU.

Also GCC still spills out quite a big bunch of warning messages when
compiling the softfload code (e.g. about unused functions in
softfloat-specialize.h ... they should rather be "static inline" instead
of only "static") ... I'll address that with separate patches later.


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