Re: [hatari-devel] Ishar 1 and 2 falcon

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On 11/28/2016 01:23 AM, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
OK, so  I've created st disks (thanks Eero for the zip2st trick, it
works perfectly).

I've been able to play both Ishar 1 and Ishar 2 games.
They work with hatari 2.0

A remark : Ishar 2 plays with 2 floppies. I've inserted ISHAR 1.St into
the drive A and ishar into the drive B.

But the game asks me to insert the disk B (hatari seems not to detect
the drive B).
I had to eject the disk from drive A and insert the file into
the drive A to let the game load the data from the disk.
Maybe the game use only one floppy drive, I don't know.

Eero, you can change the compatibility list for these 2 games ;)

Before that, could you verify following:

* Do they work with Hatari 2.0 release version, or only with
  later Mercurial version that has the Videl Address Counter support?

* Do they require DSP to be enabled, to work?

  (Main reason for the DSP info in compatibility list is that
  without DSP one can fast forward things much faster.)

* I assume they have sound, does that work fine in Hatari?

* Both Ishar 1 & 2 need to be run from floppy, it's not enough
  to just have some random floppy inserted?

	- Eero



Le 27/11/2016 à 01:06, Thorsten Otto a écrit :
On Saturday 26 November 2016 23:17:31 Eero Tamminen wrote:
BIOS Getbpb() could be intercepted when GEMDOS HD emulation
is enabled, for GEMDOS HD drives.  The returned pointer could
point e.g. to a BPB structure in cartridge memory area.

Thomas, any comments?
No, that would be wrong. If Getbpb returns a valid structure, it would
indicate that this is a BIOS device also, which is not the case. You
read sectors from it with Rwabs for example. Its just a bad assumption
of that
demos that they are run from a floppy.

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