Re: [hatari-devel] Keyboard mappings?

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Le 03/11/2016 à 10:03, Thomas Huth a écrit :

So, according to SDL2 pause and scrolllock would be 2 different keys ?

Yes. It's normally the key between PRINT and PAUSE. Looking at
the key is called "Arret defil" in french?

Yes, that's this one ; depends on the keyboard maker in fact, sometimes there's another name, but it seems it's always located between print and pause keys.

Unfortunately, it is not available on modern laptop keyboards anymore
(but I still have it on my external keyboard). But there's normally a
magic shortcut to trigger this key on laptop keyboards, e.g. on my
Lenovo T440, I have to push Fn + k to get a SCROLL LOCK key press.
Just try to google for you laptop type together with the keyword "SCROLL
LOCK" - I hope there will be one for your laptop, too.

Mine is a dell and according to this :

I need to use Fn + F3

So, it seems this key exist in one form or another in many keyboards for PC/linux.

But what about OSX when they use the SDL UI, does this key exist too on Apple keyboard ?


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