Re: [hatari-devel] Troed's MacOS build

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I agree with Jérome !
Last Xcode (v 8.0) can only compile for intel 10.6 and newer. 
So I think is not necessary to continue with PPC and OS X 10.5.

> Hi,
> Here is my build with the "Load Config" confirmation button working.
> It's a full frameworks build, should work for 10.6+, may be 10.5, but I
> do not have anything to test.
> And a diff file for the changes (among other code cleaning/comments).
> A PPC (G4 and specific G5) can be done, but I really don't want to
> maintain a specific 10.4/10.5 preference screen, I think. Too much work,
> because I need to do things twice, one for XCode 4+ (.xib) and one for
> XCode 3.2 (.nib) and no way to go from XCode 7 .xib files to XCode 3.2
> .xib files.
> JV
> <diff.txt>

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