Re: [hatari-devel] hello and macOS

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Hello Ken,

Current sources should work for 10.7 and over, with XCode 4+.

For 10.6 and below, you should use --disable-osx-bundle   Disable
application bundling on Mac OS X. It should build Hatari without the GUI
stuff. Not tested recently.

For 10.5 and below, you should also add --disable-sdl2   Do not compile
with libsdl 2.0, use 1.2 instead as there is no SDL 2 below 10.6
(although macport let you try to install libsdl2 but build will fail).

Someone patched SDL 2.0.4 to make it build under 10.5, but I failed to
reproduce his process.

I still have sources and nib files for 10.5.8, but not up to date for
gui OSX parts. I successfully built a super universal Hatari
(PPC/PPC64/i386/x64, working from 10.4 on a G4 to 10.12 ) on my G5 using
XCode 3.2.


 13/10/2016 à 17:46, Ken Cunningham a écrit :
> Hello, all
> I wanted to introduce myself. 
> I've been packaging hatari for MacPorts for the last while now. My original computer was an Atari STFM, circa 1986, which I chipped up to 1MB of RAM and used for many years until it got old and I could afford a Mac. 
>  FYI in Macports, hatari 1.9 builds nicely on all systems, from 10.4 PPC (where it runs very well) right on up to El Cap. I haven't actually tried Sierra yet, although I have it installed and will get to that soonish. The macOS GUI builds from 10.6 up in macports; below that you get the SDL gui, which is very usable as well.
> On the devel version, I just build the latest tip of the mercurial source last night on 10.6 with clang-3.7 and the 10.6 SDK, but it would not build the macOS gui due to the new xib and some of the most recent changes to the NSModalButton. I have newer machines downstairs that no doubt will build this through to completion with newer SDKs.
> As you know, the MacPorts process is to be able to build the application directly on the system it will run on. For this, I'm in luck, as I have a running version of almost every macOS system available here, from 10.4 PPC & Intel right on up. Bit of a collector.
> I really like what you've put together, and although i know there are nice MacOS releases, Macports hopes to follow along as well so that people can tinker with the build more easily.
> Best,
> Ken

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