Re: [hatari-devel] 32 Bits mode and bad sound

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Hi Jérôme,

You're right, I don't have sound too with beams.
It sounds like a regression.
Will have to throw a look at this.


Le 24/09/2016 à 23:34, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
Thanks for the feedback !

I will send to the list my latest gui-osx.

I tried this afternoon some Atari Falcon Demo: I do not have sound
anymore in Falcon mode. Just the keyboard click. I think it's recent. I
checked my sources, looks like, appart gui-osx, I have the same things
that in the repo.
Tested with BEAMS, for example. Wich demos can I use to test, that is
know to be be well working ?

Is it only on my build ?


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