Re: [hatari-devel] falcon crossbar and ff8932 |
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Salut Nicolas, Je viens d'écrire un PRG et de le tester. Il appelle le TRAP et affiche les valeurs en $ffff8930.w et $ffff8932.w - sur hatari, je lis $ffff8930.w : 0001 $ffff8932.w : 0000 - sur falcon, je lis $ffff8930.w : 0000 $ffff8932.w : 0000 Il y a bien une différence.Je lance le PRG directement après que mon Falcon ait booté (je n'ai pas de programmes résidents en mémoire à part le driver du disque dur).
J'ai mis le source et le PRG si tu veux controler ou modifier le programme de test.
Je peux faire d'autres tests si besoin, pas de problème. Laurent Le 22/09/2016 à 16:39, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 22/09/2016 à 10:25, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :Le 21/09/2016 à 22:20, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :Hi, When I coded the crossbar, I used another file that describes the registers. I haven't got any official doc for this, I did it by guessing the behaviour and with the help of the hardware.txt file. I don't ever think I had a Falcon by the time. I don't think it is possible to disconnect completly the sound from the crossbar, I'll have to check this with my Falcon. If you look at the compendium, it gives another mapping for this register (which seems to be wrong anyway). I'll do some tests. LaurentTeaser : based on this info (but not directly related), I should be able to provide a fix to remove the noisy / random sound under Falcon crossbar ;-)By the way, could you test on a real Falcon a call to xbios $8c with param=1 ? (function sndstatus).This is supposed to reset the sound to some default values and to disconnect the crossbar matrix.Can you read the crossbard registers af $ff89xx after this call, to see what are those default values ?eg : move.w #1,-(sp) move.w #$8c,-(sp) trap #14 addq.l #4,sp Nicolas
Description: Binary data
; Test of the Falcon crossbar ; ; supervisor mode pea 0 move.w #$20,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #6,sp ; Call the crossbar move.w #1,-(sp) move.w #$8c,-(sp) trap #14 addq.l #4,sp move.w $ffff8930.w,d0 lea DMA_ff8930,a0 jsr PrintHexWord move.w $ffff8932.w,d0 lea DMA_ff8932,a0 jsr PrintHexWord pea DMA_Text move.w #9,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #6,sp bsr TestKey clr.w -(sp) ; exit program trap #1 TestKey cmp.b #$39,$fffffc02.w bne.s TestKey .release_key cmp.b #$39,$fffffc02.w beq.s .release_key rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print hexa ascii value of D0 in the buf A0 ; print a value between 0 and 15 PrintHex4bits move.l d0,-(sp) and.w #$f,d0 move.b HexTab(pc,d0.w),(a0)+ move.l (sp)+,d0 rts ; print a value between 0 and 255 PrintHexByte movem.l d0-d1,-(sp) move.b d0,d1 lsr.w #4,d0 and.w #$f,d0 and.w #$f,d1 move.b HexTab(pc,d0.w),(a0)+ move.b HexTab(pc,d1.w),(a0)+ movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1 rts ; print a value between 0 and 65535 PrintHexWord movem.l d0-d1,-(sp) REPT 4 rol.w #4,d0 move.b d0,d1 and.w #$f,d1 move.b HexTab(pc,d1.w),(a0)+ ENDR movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1 rts HexTab dc.b "0123456789abcdef" even DMA_Text: dc.b "Falcon Crossbar test",10,13,10,13 DMA_ff8930: dc.w 0 dc.b " " DMA_ff8932: dc.w 0 dc.b 10,13,0 even
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