[hatari-devel] falcon crossbar and ff8932 |
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in falcon/crossbar.c, I see the destination device connections are
tested using bits 13-13 in ff8932 :
Source: D/A Convertor BIT 15 14 13 12
00 - DMA output ------------------------------+--+
01 - DSP output ------------------------------+--+
10 - External input --------------------------+--+
11 - ADC input -------------------------------+--'
But on the doc here
they have :
| |Destination: D/A Convertor BIT 15 14 13 12|
| |1 - Connect, 0 - Disconnect ---------------' | | ||
| |00 - Source DMA-PLAYBACK ---------------------+--+ ||
| |01 - Source DSP-XMIT -------------------------+--+ ||
| |10 - Source External Input -------------------+--+ ||
| |11 - Source A/D Convertor --------------------+--' ||
| |0 - Handshake on, 1 - Handshake off ----------------'|
This would mean by setting bit 15, all sources would be disconnected
from the D/A destination.
With current code in Hatari, it seems bit 15 is never tested, so that
would mean something is always connected to the D/A destination.
Is that really how it works on real Falcon ? It's not possible to have
nothing connected to the DAC destination ?
If we want to connect dma playback to DAC for example, should we write
0xxx (bit 15=0) to ff8932 or 8xxx (bit 15=1) ?
Laurent, as you wrote code for the crossbar.c, do you have some official
Atari documentation or some pointers to some articles that would explain
this ?
(other possibility would be to look how tos 4 works when we call the
system function to connect source/dest in crossbar)