Re: [hatari-devel] Game saves requiring floppy formatting |
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Le 20/09/2016 à 21:27, Thorsten Otto a écrit :
On Tuesday 20 September 2016 20:55:24 Nicolas Pomarède wrote:the problem is that formatting requires using the "write track" FDC command, which is not supported for ST/MSA format so far where only sector content is stored.If you emulate it at a low level, yes. But if you emulate the Flopfmt() XBIOS function instead, you can get away without. All it does is construct a track buffer, then writes it out with an FDC write track command.You might as well write out the single sectors instead when writing to a ST/MSA file.
This is what I do for the STX format, but for ST/MSA format where you have no track, no side and no sector timing (just sectors one after the other), I didn't feel like spending too much time on this. Maybe I will add it later, but for now you need to start with an STX file to get write track command support.
Note that some game will only do write sectors and won't try to format before, in that case it should work with ST/MSA too.
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