Re: [hatari-devel] 32 Bits mode and bad sound

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I am able to reproduce your sound problems simply by setting Hatari to “Open in 32-bit mode”. I also would be interested if anyone has compiled Hatari for a 32-bit Linux. It is definitely possible this is a SDL2 bug for 32-bit Macs. I also heard the awful sound when running the Strange Robots demo and even somewhat when playing Llamatron.

On an unrelated note, how do you set the Xcode project to create a fat (32/64 bit) binary? You mentioned that the Cmake generated file does not do this. I tried to investigate this online, but I have not had any luck.

Bob C

> On Sep 13, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to run my build of Hatari in 32 Bits mode on my MacBookPro.
> Sound is perfectly awful, the trick to eliminate sound in menus in
> MacOsX do not work anymore...
> Sound is OK in 64 bits mode. A SDL2 or Hatari bug ? What about Linux 32
> Bits builds ?
> Running P0rnC0de demo, STE emulation.
> Link to my build (32/64 bits, Embedded frameworks):

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