Re: [hatari-devel] 32 Bits mode and bad sound

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> Message du 14/09/16 02:16
> De : "Bob Carpenter" <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>
> A : hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Copie à :
> Objet : Re: [hatari-devel] 32 Bits mode and bad sound
> Jerome,
> I am able to reproduce your sound problems simply by setting Hatari to “Open in 32-bit mode”. I also would be interested if anyone has compiled Hatari for a 32-bit Linux. It is definitely possible this is a SDL2 bug for 32-bit Macs. I also heard the awful sound when running the Strange Robots demo and even somewhat when playing Llamatron.
> On an unrelated note, how do you set the Xcode project to create a fat (32/64 bit) binary? You mentioned that the Cmake generated file does not do this. I tried to investigate this online, but I have not had any luck.
It's quite difficult to set fat binary build in the generated Xcode project. You have to set "32/64 bits universal" for each target (really each), then build them one per one.
To have XCode running in 32 bit mode, you have to select Hatary>My mac (32 bits) as target. Xcode will rebuild all and run in 32 bits mode.
You need, of course to have all library and frameworks needed in fat binary 32/64 also.
For the sound problem, duno if it's Hatari related, SDL2 related or not. The message I have (Your CPU is too slow to play sample...." is from hatari).
SDL2 is now only 64 bits per default

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