Re: [hatari-devel] SDL1 vs. SDL2 sound pausing

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Le 09/09/2016 à 11:17, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

> Hi
> IIRC, FS-UAE also uses SDL2 on OSX. Maybe some here with OSX could try
> to install it and see if the UI has the same sound problem ?
I never used FS-UAE, so I tried.
FS-UAE work better than Hatari for that: Emulation never paused. If you
access the included (great !) SDL Menu, Emulation (both display and
sound) still running in background, even displaying in real time in a
great 3D effect.

Even if you minimize the screen, sound still play.

Accessing menu (FS-UAE on MacOsX do not have any action on menu except
about and full screen) do not pause the sound (but SDL do not refresh
the screen), so no sound noise: sound continue to play normally,
releasing the menu SDL refresh the screen to the correct frame.

It's a very light SDL/MacOsX app (no menu, no preferences, etc).

> If not, then the problem is related to OSX version of Hatari, not SDL2
> itself. Then maybe a look at the FS-UAE sources could tell if some
> specifc SDL2 calls are made to ensure sound will be stopped when
> interacting with the menus / UI.
It's related to all three part Hatari, SDL2 and MacOsX, not only macOsX
part. It was working well with SDL1, but as SDL1 build is broken for the
moment on my Mac, can't test anymore.

> Or send a email to Frode (fs-uae author), maybe that's sthg he already
> encounters and knows how to fix it.
I can try that. I'm looking to the sources of FS-UAE for specific Mac
Code, but can't find it for the moment.

> Nicolas

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