Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Next release

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One thing mentioned in earlier v2 Hatari discussions was
rewritten save state handling; Hatari being able to handle
additional/missing items in save state, instead of each
change causing them to be incompatible.

Do you think that should still be included to v2.0?

	- Eero

On 08/07/2016 12:57 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 06/08/2016 à 21:44, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Sat, 6 Aug 2016 20:37:42 +0200
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Le 06/08/2016 à 18:24, Thomas Huth a écrit :
PS: It's been quite a while since the last public release ... do you
already have any plans for a public version 2.0 ?

That's almost 1 year since Hatari 1.9 ; I don't have any plan now wrt
a release date, but it would be nice to release someday.

In the current state, I don't think the devel version should be named
2.0, I would call it 1.10 (as I don't think there're so many changes
visible to the user) and keep 2.0 for the release were Falcon cycles
are really accurate (including correct cycle ratio with DSP)

It's up to you, but I think I'd name it 2.0 anyway. There has been so
much progress since the last release, that a 2.0 is IMHO well deserved
now. We're using WinUAE by default now, and SDL2 instead of SDL1.2, and
these two steps alone justify a version 2.0 already. So we can later
easily say: 1.x ==> OldUAE / SDL1.2 and 2.x ==> WinUAE / SDL2.0 ... if
we continue with a 1.x numbering now, it's not that easy to distinguish

(and if it's just about the feeling that a x.0 release has really to be
perfect - I know that feeling, too, I also hesitated to do the 1.0 of
Hatari many years ago, ... but you know, it's never 100% perfect, and at
one point in time you just have to say "it's good enough and there are
enough new features, let's do it now")

You're right about changes to cpu core and sdl 2, as I'm used to them
since several months, I forgot that this was not officialy released yet :)

OK, so let's go for a 2.x naming.

If we were to release a new version with current state, I think it
could be made around mid september.

Sounds good. What's left to be done? I think I'd at least want to
update the manual with the new SDL GUI dialogs...

If we wait for progress in the 68030 CE mode for Falcon, it could be
much later, maybe near end of the year (I have no clear idea of the
time I can spend coding on this part in the next months).

IMHO that sounds like we should really do a 2.0 release now and then
take as much time needed to get the CE mode for the Falcon and then do
a 2.1 release with that instead. There will be so much other things
left to fix for Falcon emulation (Videl raster emulation, SCSI, ...)
that the version with the "perfect" Falcon emulation will rather
be version 3.0 in a couple of years. ... just my two cents.

Let's try to polish doc and UI, I don't think we have any major bug at
the moment to fix before release. On my side, I have some cleaning to do
(remove old code path that I kept for regression test), but that should
not cause new bugs.


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