Re: [hatari-devel] CPU Speed in XControl |
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Am Sun, 26 Jun 2016 16:10:46 -0500
schrieb Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> I have a quick question. Even when I set the system type to MegaSTE
> and my CPU is set to 16Mhz, I do not see the ability to select the
> CPU speed in the General control panel extension. I am simply curious
> since it is different than an actual MegaSTE. Obviously, I can change
> the CPU speed in the Hatari preferences.
> Before we had the ability to set the machine type as a MegaSTE, I can
> see why the CPU speed did not appear. Now, it is surprising to me
> since Hatari is just almost identical to an ST or STE.
> Does anyone else see this or does everyone else see the CPU speed in
> the General control panel extension?
I also don't see it. According to SYSINFO.PRG, the _MCH cookie in the
cookie jar also contains 0x00010000, which is a plain STE. I think the
value should be different on a Mega STE ... according to TOS HYP at
the right value should be 0x00010010 instead. So TOS somehow fails to
detect the emulated Mega-STE of Hatari as a Mega-STE ... anybody any
ideas what could be wrong here?