Re: [hatari-devel] Mega ST(E)

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On 06/19/2016 01:15 AM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 18/06/2016 à 23:35, Thomas Huth a écrit :
I've now taken a stab at it and implemented the first option, since I
find it a little bit hard to draw a real good line between "simple" and
"advanced" option. For example, most of the people who used an Atari in
the past likely know what a "blitter" is, but is that also true for
people who started with Atari emulation just very recently? So would the
blitter option be a simple or an advanced option? If in doubt, you have
to look up the dialog descriptions in the manual anyway, so I think
it's easier to group the options into "CPU" and other generic "System"

Please have a look whether this is OK now, or whether we should rather
try something different...

the change looks fine to me this way.

Looks good to me too!

I'm just wondering whether the "About|Load config|Save config"
buttons would be at the bottom of the Settings main view.


	- Eero

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