Re: [hatari-devel] Mega ST(E)

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Le 18/06/2016 à 23:35, Thomas Huth a écrit :

I've now taken a stab at it and implemented the first option, since I
find it a little bit hard to draw a real good line between "simple" and
"advanced" option. For example, most of the people who used an Atari in
the past likely know what a "blitter" is, but is that also true for
people who started with Atari emulation just very recently? So would the
blitter option be a simple or an advanced option? If in doubt, you have
to look up the dialog descriptions in the manual anyway, so I think
it's easier to group the options into "CPU" and other generic "System"

Please have a look whether this is OK now, or whether we should rather
try something different...


the change looks fine to me this way.

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