Re: [hatari-devel] New video code with STF wakeup state :)

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Hi Nicolas,

That's a real huge word you did here, congratulations.

I'm impressed. I'll check some ST demos if you want.

As you told us in a previous thread, you've ideas for Components clocks, 16 Mhz emu, and Falcon accuracy.
Do you have an idea of when you'll have so time to work on this ?
I can help if you want.

Again, bravo.


Le 09/06/2016 21:27, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 09/06/2016 à 19:53, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Something that stuck into my eye... Couldn't this:
        char    VideoTimingName[ 20  ];

Just use "const char *VideoTimingName", and all the strcpy()s
for that be removed?

(If there's no particular reason for array use, I can change this.)


it could be changed ; what patch do you propose ?

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