Re: [hatari-devel] New video code with STF wakeup state :)

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Le 09/06/2016 à 22:49, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

That's a real huge word you did here, congratulations.

I'm impressed. I'll check some ST demos if you want.

As you told us in a previous thread, you've ideas for Components clocks,
16 Mhz emu, and Falcon accuracy.
Do you have an idea of when you'll have so time to work on this ?
I can help if you want.

Again, bravo.


I need to rest my brain for a while :) although not full time, I started working on this more than 2 months ago, so I need to change my mind a little before going for another heavy part :)

The changes I started some month ago wrt clock and cpu speed might need some updates, since part of it was meant for the previous video.c. So I'd rather wait a little to be sure no big problem happens with the new video.c, else it will be hard to debug if we have both a new video.c and some new clock/cycle code with potential huge impact too.

Once some new code will be available to improve cycle accuracy in Falcon mode, people who will be able to run various test programs on their Falcon will be a great help to compare cases, from the simple ones to the more complicated.


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