Re: [hatari-devel] Monochrome bug with latest Hatari

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Well. I can't really say that the demo in question "works" ... the calibration part just flickers all over the screen so I can't really follow the instructions, but if I were to _guess_ what it does is to open the right border (and lower) only. It then relies on monitor specifics (again, I guess) to "center" the resulting lines dynamically which would cause the now wide scanlines to appear as if they are in both left and right border ... 

(I'm testing with a flatscreen, I don't have any SM124 left)


On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 1:29 PM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Le 28/12/2015 13:09, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
I'll take a look at it later on target hw. It removes the right and
lower borders just as it should (I've looked at the cycle switch timings
when running in Hatari) but I have no idea what a switch at cycle 12-20
is meant to accomplish (or if it indeed does something, how).

Mono line start is at cycle 4, line end at cycle 164 = 160 cycles = 640
pixels. Modifying the resolution register _after_ cycle 4 is ... weird.

I don't have a mono setup to try it, but if I recall correctly, you need to manually calibrate the timing by pressing left/right until it reaches the correct position. So maybe it's not always stable on all machines.

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