Re: [hatari-devel] Running self-compiled Hatari on OS X

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Most of the time, compiling on Mac just look like the same as for Linux.
If you want to do that, install SDL from source (or from macport),
download Hatari sources, ./configure&make&make install should work.

Some macosX tricks to make a more MacOsX friendly build are not
completely defined in the cmake project.

Di you tried to delete your Hatari preferences files ? Some had reported

Le 17/11/2015 03:10, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
> Hi,
> Thank you, but I prefer not to use any special versions, but only original
> distributions, just like I do it with Linux. Self-compiling something on the
> Mac seems to be a bit problematic compared to Linux, not just with Hatari.
> Anyway, running a Hatari development version on the Mac is not important for
> me, just thought I'd give it a try. 
> Take care
> Uwe
>> Le 16/11/2015 22:07, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I was using SDL 2.0.3 from the brew distribution, which is the latest stable
>>> version. Maybe you should give it a try?
>> It's working for me.
>> Try this one.
>> JV

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